Juin – Novembre 2024
dim août  4 - sam 10, 2024
Singing technique and interpretation
Mariette Witteveen
Femke de Graaf (Klavier)
The week offers the opportunity to ask questions about technique or interpretation of one's own singing voice.

The focus is on working on the body, breath control, the passaggio technique and the indispensable legato singing.

By means of Chi Gong, the breath and the art of movement are trained daily.

Repertoire: free choice of oratorio, song and opera.
Groupe cible
Students, professional singers -– advanced amateur singers with soloistic ambitions
Forme d’enseignement
Individual instruction in the presence of the whole group.

The program will include a one-hour daily Chi Gong session.
Détails du cours
Applicants should send a musical biography.
Cours n° 116